“On Property” - Insurance Claim Tips Blog

Remembering Superstorm Sandy and its Impact on the 2013 Hurricane Season

On September 11th last year, Rick and I flew to New York City for a planned meeting with Anderson Kill Loss Advisors, a group of the nation’s top public adjusters at the Manhattan law offices of Anderson Kill. The purpose of the meeting was to meet and discuss current events and future plans for this team of professional adjusters, whom we are proud to be a member.  Little did any of us know what would be coming a month and a half later. Read More

The Coming Hurricane Winds of Skyrocketing Flood Insurance Premiums

The media is finally waking up to the major increase policyholders will see in their flood insurance policies. Our public adjusters are already seeing an impact on the insurance claims market. Here’s my take based on our assistance to Superstorm Sandy victims and our dealings with the NFIP over the years.

2.4 million Floridians live less than four feet above the high tide line along our coastal shores. Given the astonishing number of properties and people this represents, the cost prohibitive increases in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) and the severe ramifications that will follow, deserve more attention and debate.

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