Public Adjuster Articles and Presentations

Insurance Customers - Tips From Insurance Adjusters Before A Disaster

1. Review your policy with your insurance agent/advisor now to make sure you have adequate coverage.

2. Secure a copy of your insurance policy away from...

Claims are Still Not Resolved, the Lessons of Hurricane "Andrew"

As we approach the 2-year anniversary of Hurricane "Andrew" thousands of South Florida condominium residents...

Preparing for Disaster Speeding Up the Loss Adjustment Process for Condos

Two years have passed since the Hurricane and thousands of South Florida condominium residents still have unresolved insurance claims. At issue are millions of dollars in damages to... 

Hurricane Payoffs Languish In Doldrums

Most people think that all insurance is like life insurance. When someone dies, someone else expects to get a check. It does not work that way in the property insurance market...

Burned Out: Public Adjusters Assist Fire Victims ‐ for a Fee

When Will and Karen had a house fire on Vashon Island, they hired a public adjuster to represent them in dealing with the insurance company. The company's first offer to replace the damaged structure was $4,000. The Gerrier's eventually received...

Cutting Your Losses When Fire Strikes

Each year, more than a half a million American families suffer the trauma of a fire of some seriousness in their homes, and the annual bill for damages is edging close to $3 Billion. But as people discover every day, the fire is only the beginning...

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